Frequently Asked Questions

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How many musicians are currently in SCOr?

As of our Spring 2019 concert, we have 31 members.

How often and when does SCOr rehearse?

We rehearse on Sundays from 3:00 to 6:00pm in Braun Music Center. Our schedule is compatible with the Department of Music orchestras (SSO and SP) and the Stanford Wind Symphony, since many SCOr members also play in those ensembles.

How often does SCOr perform?

In the 2018-2019 academic year, we performed two main concerts plus a few smaller performances.

What is SCOr's rehearsal process like?

SCOr is committed to bringing chamber music principles to the orchestral setting. Our rehearsals reflect this; we plan the overall structure and trajectory of our rehearsals while leaving significant legroom for musicians to experiment, ask questions, consider alternatives, and discuss interpretations. Everyone's voice matters, and we encourage all members to develop and express their opinions in productive ways.

Where do I sign up to audition?

Audition information will be on our website: You can also find us at the activities fair, or shoot us an email!

How many musicians will you accept?

We do not have a predetermined number of open positions. We encourage any musician who can play well and collaborate in a musical setting to audition.

I'm also interested in other ensembles on campus. Is it possible to be in both SCOr and [ensemble]?

Our schedule is compatible with the Department of Music orchestras (SSO and SP) and the Stanford Wind Symphony. Many of our members participate in a wide variety of musical & artistic activities on campus, and can attest that their general musical experience at Stanford has been enhanced by their participation in SCOr.

If I auditioned for SCOr in the past and was not admitted, can I audition again?

Absolutely! We believe that any level of skill can be achieved through dedication and deliberate practice, and so it would be unfair for us to always rely on a single audition to determine our admissions. We also believe that re-auditioning shows a promising level of commitment and enthusiasm that would be very welcome in a group like ours :)

Other than rehearse and perform, what else does SCOr do?

Lots of stuff! One of the highlights of the SCOr experience is our annual retreat. In addition, we regularly eat dinner together after rehearsal, throw fun parties where we eat waffles or make our own dumplings, organize trips to see concerts at the San Francisco Symphony and other places, get together for informal chamber music reading sessions, and more!

I have another question!

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